Home /Products /Cables and Connectors /Dual Axis Motor Control Cable with Polarization Drive Wires - IW-6315

Dual Axis Motor Control Cable with Polarization Drive Wires - IW-6315

SKU: IW-6315
Recommended as the industry standard motor control cable by Vincor™ Field Service, a world leader with earth station antenna systems, sales and installation.
- Construction: The four individually jacketed groups are held together with an overall polyethylene
jacket. - Overall Jacket: Low Density polyethylene .030 in,. nominal wall.580 in. nominal O.D.
- Color: Black
Overall Assembly:
Construction: The four individually jacketed groups are held together with an overall
polyethylene jacket.
Overall Jacket: Low Density polyethylene .030 in,. nominal wall.580 in. nominal O.D.
Color: Black
Put up: 1000 feet on 30” X 15” X 15” reel
Approx. Shipping Wt: 174 lbs / reel
$2.35 per foot